The Quality of our products is guaranteed in the support from a high-level R&D team and experienced workers,the same as from the advanced research and production facilities.Co-operating with some colleges and institutes,we keep ahead in concepts and with our professional knowledge.Working closely with our customers and partners,we rise to the challenges from the market.On the base of the distinctive R&D capability,we play a leading role in breaking through in to the application of our products in new composite materials and in the new energy industry.Also,we coordinate with some front-runners in the industry to meet the demand of the market together.
On the purpose of"taking the environmental responsibilities from the society to the enterprise",we adhere to the principles of "safety and environmental friendliness,creativity and innovation"on research and development.While pursuing a goal of"development in quality",we stick to "integrity and precision"in running the enterprise.In the spirit of "harmony and progress",we attach importance to environmental protection and work safety,which is in our corporate culture.